Monday, September 26, 2011

Guitar Case w/RFID Capabilities

Another option for a buyer is to have a built in RFID. For touring bands it is likely to have several separate instruments to assure that if one fails then there will be another to back up. However, it is extremely difficult to keep track off all of the guitar cases the musicians has. I believe that the RFID system will be a tool that is much easier to keep accurate track of the instruments.

Once all of the equipment is packed up after a show the band must board a bus to be on their way to the next venue. The band techs want to have a tool that is trustworthy to make sure they leave with what the band came with. Everything will be equipped with a small RFID an when the techs are finished packing all of the instruments/guitar cases one quick swiped of a wand will assure them that everything is accounted for.

If things go missing, for instance a guitar case or an amp the RFID will have a tracking device on it to help assist the tech to find it more easier. It is very important to make sure that you have all of you stuff cause if a musician loses one their down perhaps thousands of dollars.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Guitar Case Motherboard & USB Capabilities

Another good idea that I believe will improve this case is that the case will have a built in mother board and have the capabilities to connect to guitars through a USB cable. Also, for security purposes the case will be equip with a built in key-pad pass word in order to improve the security aspect of the case. I believe that this will keep the musicians mind off their instruments and will keep their mind at ease.

In regards to the motherboard, it will consist of an on-board  thermometer that will monitor the temp of not only the case but the guitar also just to insure that the guitar is properly treated in the correct temp. If the temp/humidity drops above/below a certain point the motherboard will send a relay message to the thermometer to correct both the temp/humidity. Overtime we could see technology improvement that will affect our design and maybe even improve it.

One may ask, "How is the case going to automatically know the exact temp of the guitar?". My answer to that is USB. Most high-end guitars are equip with USB ports. When plugged into the thermometer it will give whoever is using the guitar an exact numerical temp (F or C). With the USB capabilities the motherboard will monitor the temp/humidity 24/7.  

Monday, September 12, 2011

Guitar Case Auto-Humidifier/Thermometer

I've been playing guitar for about 4 years now. When I first started out I was just learning therefore I didn't need an expensive instrument. Who knew if I was even going to stick to it? Now, if you don't know  much about guitar I will first tell you that the most expensive guitars are made and put together in a certain temperature and humidity. Brands of guitars such as CF Martin, Taylor, and Fenders are typically made and assembled at 72-74 degree(F) and 45-55 percent humidity. These guitars can reach up to $10,000 or higher in price, therfore the owner of these need to take very good care of them to maintain the sound and quality of the wood. If they don't maintain the guitar it will be damaged and possibly not even be usable. 

Ideally the owners of these guitars need to use a little probe like utensil to stick in the guitar to keep the humidity up and temperature up also. My idea however I believe will revolutionize the way people maintain their guitars and other expensive instruments. I would like to propose a guitar/instrument case that is remotely operated to keep the humidity and temperature at a steady degree/percent to maintain the guitars wood and health. I believe that this will make it easier for the musician to keep better care of their instruments because sometimes musicians forget to humidify their guitars. However, my case will always be on to maintain the necessary temperature and humidity so that the musician can forget about doing it manually. 

I believe that this could be big in the world of guitars because where I live, Syracuse, NY, it can get down to -20 degrees(F) with no humidity. These intense conditions could harm the guitars wood and even destroy it. I learned this the hard way. Yet, this case can assure that the guitar will remain at the same temperature and humidity through all of the intense winter months. This idea will not only save guitar in the long run, but it will also save thousands of dollars for musicians.This case will have a thermostat attached to it so that the use knows at all times that their instruments are in good conditions.