Customers will have the option to pay with either cash or google wallet. I believe that this will increase our customer population along with making it more convenient for our customer as a whole. A well-composed image makes all the difference. The case will also have to capabilities to take pictures with a camera with a high number of mega pixels to get good close-ups to ensure that the instrument has no cracks/dents.
I believe that all of these capabilities will ensure our customers satisfaction and also with our good reputation it will bring more customers in. Since passive RFID tags are extremely inexpensive and it would be easy to use an RFID reader at the store. Each of the cases and guitars with be equiped with the RFID patches.
Over all i believe that this will help my business. Also, improve my customers.
I like your ideas as to how to incorporate Google Wallet and RFID. However, you don't elaborate much on the 'why'. Why does it make sense from your business perspective to utilize these input/output devices? Why are your competitors using them/not using them at the moment?